Thursday, 31 May 2012


Apakah jaminan duit sedekah rakyat kelantan tidak menjadi mangsa seperti duit tabung Memali? Sebagai menyahut seruan Ahli Kitab yang bernama Nik Aziz, rakyat kelantan yang taksub kepada Ahli Kitab bernama Nik Aziz telah mula menunjukkan tanda sokongan kepada Ahli Kitab mereka dengan bersama-sama mempromosi sedekah untuk Lebuh Raya Rakyat kelantan ini termasuk di FB. 

Apalah diharap dengan janji-janji Kerajaan PAS Kelantan ini untuk membina lebuhraya percuma? Sedangkan banyak janji-janji terdahulu yang masih belum dikotakan oleh mereka. Sekadar memberikan contoh dibawah.

Masih ingatkah lagi dengan batu asas di bawah sebagai penanda aras satu projek? Batu asas projek jambatan PAS (merentasi Sungai Kelantan yang menghubungkan Palekbang - Kota Bharu) yang diletakkan 16 tahun dulu disempurnakan oleh KDYMM Sultan Kelantan. Sampai sekarang tidak nampak tanda-tanda akan dibina. Batu Asas Jambatan Palekbang yang dijanjikan oleh Nik Aziz 16 tahun yang lalu, kini hanya tinggal batu. Jambatannya entah ke mana.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012





He wrote if ABN's submission is accepted, it will be done away after the closing date which was supposed to be on April 26.

The Star reported last week that ABN is submitting its bid joining three other parties which have completed their submission much earlier.

Jaring has already received three bidders, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary's Puncak Semangat Sdn Bhd, CMC Engineering Sdn Bhd and Optinet Technology Sdn Bhd.

Optinet Technology is a special purpose vehicle representing four local companies which includes, Melaka ICT Holdings, Jom Mobile, Ersatech Sdn Bhd, and Dignity First Sdn Bhd (in which The Mole Sdn Bhd’s adviser Datuk Ahirudin Attan is a shareholder and director). All four companies hold an equal 25 per cent equity stake in Optinet.

Puncak Semangat submitted its bid about a month ago while the two other bidders submitted theirs sometime earlier this year.

BigDog also blogged that former New Straits Times group-editor-in-chief Datuk Seri Kalimullah Hassan is believed to be a part of ABN.

The blogger places the link to ABN chief executive officer Sreedhar Subramaniam who he claims is Kalimullah's man and that they were both pioneers of the pro-opposition Malaysian Insider news portal. ABN was recently issued a digital broadcasting license by the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission.

The Edge Malaysia reported that ABN is investing RM2 billion in the next 10 years to build the aerial cabling needed to carry its subscription TV service.

The report says, Jaring is one of the two companies licensed to provide wired broadband to consumer home. The other company is Telekom Malaysia Bhd which has monopolised the segment after years of building infrastructure for its  Streamyx and Unifi.

Jaring also owns eight data centers which among others can host high performance computing  and is essential in the running of an Internet service provider. ABN is said to be able to find synergistic value from Jaring's infrastructure.

ABN has not responded to calls and emails pertaining to this matter.

Jaring is a government linked company owned by the Ministry of Finance. It was initially owned by MIMOS Bhd and was Malaysia’s first internet service providers but due to lack of marketing and applied technology
Jaring was left behind. It worsened when Telekom Malaysia Bhd launched the first high speed broadband Streamyx .

To revive Jaring, a new business model, strategy and investments is needed. The upside for Jaring is that they have the infrastructure which enables new players for new high speed broadband services, IPTV and digital TV and even downstream telecommunications retailers. The announcement on the successful bidder is not known but a major consideration would be a viable business plan to turn Jaring around and the RM80 million-odd debts. Sumber
Besides Puncak Semangat, the three other parties reported to have submitted bids for the acquisition are CMC Engineering Sdn Bhd, a company controlled by Datuk Abdul Rahman Yusof, Asian Broadcasting Network Sdn Bhd, the newest digital television player to enter the media industry, and Optinet Technology Sdn Bhd.

It is understood that Puncak Semangat is close to sealing the deal and negotiations are at an advanced stage. “Most industry players already know that Puncak Semangat is close to sealing the Jaring deal. The negotiations are already at an advanced stage now,” says the source, adding that an announcement on the acquisition is expected to be made soon.

A key question and potential stumbling block in the negotiations is the price at which the Ministry of Finance Inc (MoF Inc), who holds 100% stake in Jaring, will be willing to part with the ISP.

Industry players are divided over Jaring’s valuation. Some say it could be worth as high as RM100 million, given its extensive 2.5Gbps Internet backbone infrastructure. Others disagree, putting its worth at about RM50 million or less, saying that the network infrastructure that Jaring owns is now obsolete as it was installed in 1999.

“The infrastructure that Jaring owns may be obsolete now, considering that newer technologies have emerged recently providing faster bandwidth and reliable data transfer rates. Taking this into the equation, Jaring may be worth just about RM50-RM100 million,” says the source, who is familiar with the local telecommunications industry.

This is not the first time that the government has attempted to divest its interest in Jaring to private companies. In 2004, the government attempted to force the merger of Jaring with Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) via a budget speech by then Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. However, TM later pulled the plug on the merger and the plan did not materialise.

Then in 2006, Time dotCom Bhd attempted to buy Jaring, with the blessings of MoF Inc, but the attempt also fizzled out. At one point, even Singapore’s Singapore Telecommunications Ltd was reportedly keen on buying up Jaring. Other well-known local telco players such as Green Packet Bhd and REDtone International Bhd have not shown interest in the current bids for Jaring.

Whoever acquires Jaring now will also take into account that it is laden with losses to the tune of about RM80 million.

Jaring was created in 1992 when it was still a division with Mimos Bhd, the government’s research and development (R&D) unit on high technology.

In 1997, it was the first ISP in South-East Asia to install the T3 (45Mbps) line, giving high-speed access to the Internet. In 1999, Jaring upped the ante by introducing its SuperJaring, a 2.5Gbps network backbone, making it the fastest and longest (841km) IPover-fibre backbone service available in the world at that time.

However, mounting losses made the government review Jaring and in 2005 it was spun off as a separate entity from Mimos, while still being the latter’s subsidiary. The following year, MoF Inc officially took direct control of Jaring from Mimos. It is estimated that Jaring then had a subscriber base of about 500,000.Sumber KLIK


Monday, 28 May 2012


Nik Aziz terima akibat kerana lawan cakap Nabi Muhammad saw.

Pesan nabi ialah "sebaik baik ulama ialah menjauhi umara' (pemerintah)" . Nabi saw pesan macam tu supaya ulama dapat mainkan peranan utama sebagai pembimbing dan penasihat kepada pemerintah.

"Dan sebaik baik pemerintah ialah yang mendampingi ulama" yang membawa maksud pemerintah sentiasa dapatkan pandangan ulama agar keputusan yang dibuat menepati kehendak Allah swt.

Nik Aziz dan Hadi Awang telah rosakkan diri jadi umara' akhirnya sekarang lihatlah rakyat betapa rosaknya manusia bernama Nik Aziz dan Hadi Awang gara-gara guna agama untuk dapat kepentingan politik dan sanggup bersekongkol dengan DAP penentang islam dan Ambiga pendokong LGBT, IFC dan Anwar pendokong tegar Pluralisme.

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Friday, 25 May 2012


Dr Mahathir Mohamad mendakwa jika Pakatan Rakyat tewas dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13), mereka akan menganjurkan demonstrasi ganas tanpa henti untuk menolak keputusan itu.

Selepas itu, dakwa bekas perdana menteri Tun berkata, pembangkang akan mengusahakan pilihan raya baru yang dimanipulasi mereka diadakan.

"Tunjuk-tunjuk perasaan BERSIH yang besar dan ganas adalah persediaan untuk menolak keputusan PRU13 jika parti lawan gagal memenanginya.

"Kekalahan mereka akan dituruti dengan demonstrasi ganas yang tidak berhenti-henti supaya keputusan pilihan raya ditolak dan satu kerajaan lain didirikan, yang ditunjuk oleh parti lawan," dakwanya.

Menulis dalam blognya hari ini, Mahathir berkata, sebelum kerajaan pilihan rakyat digulingkan, negara ini akan diserang bertubi-tubi dengan demonstrasi ganas dan huru-hara.

Ini katanya termasuk mogok pelbagai tempat anjuran pembangkang.

"Kestabilan negara akan tergugat. Polis dituduh melakukan keganasan supaya mereka tidak dapat kawal huru-hara dan demo dengan cara berkesan.

"Kuasa-kuasa asing akan mengecam kerajaan pilihan rakyat kerana kononnya mengguna kekerasan menghalang kebebasan bersuara dan berdemo.

"Malaysia akan dicap sebagai police state (negara polis)," dakwanya.

Dr Mahathir (kanan) juga berkata, berdasarkan sejarah Malaysia, pembangkang tentu kurang yakin untuk mendirikan kerajaan Pusat dan cara demokrasi tidak boleh menjayakan mereka.

"Melihat penggulingan kerajaan di negara-negara Arab, tentulah terlintas di hati pemimpin-pemimpin parti lawan bahawa cara-cara demonstrasi ganas dan berpanjangan lebih mungkin memberi kejayaan kepada cita-cita mereka," dakwa Mahathir lagi.


As a Muslim, we should use the way of our Prophet Muhammad saw in choosing our leaders and not the way of democracy, a system that is developed by the non-Muslims. Using the system of democracy in selecting our leaders will lead us to a disaster and calamities. Instead of blessing, we will get calamities if we use the system of democracy in choosing our lawmakers. The way to choose our leader is the same as the way we choose a person to become the imam of a congregational prayer. The best among us is the one who has the most fear in Allah and the best among us should become our leader.  A person who has the most fear in Allah is the one who has the strong believe in the unseen, who perform prayers like our Prophet Muhammad saw did, who invite peoples to good and forbidding peoples from evil like Prophet Muhammad saw did and who gives some out of the bounties that Allah has given to him to the needy.

We can choose the imam of a congregational prayer only from among those who regularly perform prayers congregationally. The best among them must be made imam and the suggestions as who is the best among them must come only from those who regularly perform congregational prayers in the Masjid. The choice of who should become imam does not depend on the majority of peoples who like him to become imam but depend on the most qualities love by Allah posses by him as an imam. In order to choose an iman in a Masjid we do not need a general election in which everyone, men, women and LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people) in the locality to vote. If we run a general election couples with BERSIH to select the imam of our Masjid, we may end up having an imam who is a women, LGBT or a man who hardly pray in the Masjid. Similarly, in choosing our leaders, we must not use the system of democracy or otherwise we may end up having a LGBT like Anwar as our Prime Minister or even worse a non-Muslims like Lim Kit Siang as our Prime Minister.

BERSIH is only the gimmick used by the opposition parties to gain sympathy of the public and to paint the image of cruelty and aggression upon the ruling government. BERSIH cannot clean the system of voting in a democracy system. There are so many loopholes in the system and no one in the world would ever be able to have a really fair and clean election. System made by men, can never be pure and clean. This is because men are terribly in love with power and wealth. Men will manipulate the system in order to enable them to gain power and wealth. Men will try to maintain power within their family circles like Jemaah Tabligh. In Jemaah Tabligh, only those who are connected with the family of Maulana Ilyas can become the leaders of Jemaah Tabligh.

In India, only those who have the relationship with Nehru can become the Prime Minister of India. Many Arab countries have general elections and the result of the general election always show that the ruling government has the majority votes of the peoples. In reality, it was not true that the ruling party has the majority votes. If the ruling government has majority votes then why in so many Arab countries peoples are revolting against their government known as Arab spring. All this while there is no true democracy in the Arab countries. Because of love of power and wealth the ruling party manipulated the voting system and made them appear to have the majority votes. I strongly suggest that we should abandon the democracy system and abandon BERSIH. When we, all Muslims decide to adopt the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad saw in choosing our leader we will be blessed by Allah. KLIK


KUALA TERENGGANU 24 Mei - Ketua Dewan Ulama Pas, Datuk Harun Taib hari ini menegaskan bahawa beliau menentang sebarang usaha untuk melonjakkan kalangan bukan Melayu atau bukan Islam menerajui negara ini.

Beliau berkata, Pas sebagai sebuah parti yang memperjuangkan Islam tentunya akan terus memastikan ia tidak akan berlaku.

Katanya, hanya orang Islam yang layak dilantik sebagai Perdana Menteri untuk mentadbir negara ini pada masa akan datang.

Beliau mengakui cubaan ke arah itu timbul kerana dalam Perlembagaan tidak menyatakan jawatan Perdana Menteri hanya khusus kepada pemimpin Melayu.

“Saya tak setuju dan bantah kalau orang bukan Melayu atau bukan Islam menjadi Perdana Menteri, malah Pas sendiri, sebagai sebuah parti Islam hanya mahukan orang Islam yang jadi pemimpin (Perdana Menteri).

“Biarlah dia (Karpal Singh) dengan impiannya (mahu orang bukan Melayu jadi Perdana Menteri). Saya bukan menentangnya (Karpal) tapi saya tidak bersetuju dengan Perlembagaan yang ada.

“Ini kerana, dalam Perlembagaan negara, ia tidak sebut hanya orang Melayu boleh jadi Perdana Menteri. Di sinilah yang menjadi masalahnya dan saya memang tidak bersetuju," katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Harun diminta mengulas ketegasan Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh bahawa beliau akan terus berjuang bagi memastikan seorang bukan Melayu menyandang jawatan Perdana Menteri.

Karpal berkata, meskipun ketika ini pakatan pembangkang bersetuju bahawa Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai calon paling layak sebagai Perdana Menteri, beliau secara peribadi menganggap tidak ada undang-undang yang boleh menghalang jawatan itu disandang calon bukan Melayu.

Harun seterusnya berpendapat, impian Karpal untuk melihat calon bukan Melayu menjadi Perdana Menteri kelak tidak akan tercapai kerana beliau yakin orang Melayu tidak akan dapat menerima seorang Perdana Menteri dari kalangan bukan Melayu atau bukan Islam.

“Impian beliau (Karpal) mungkin tercapai jikalau orang-orang Melayu mengundi beliau atau calon-calon lain yang bukan Melayu. Namun saya yakin orang Melayu tak akan undi mereka," ujarnya.

Ditanya pula mengenai percanggahan pendapat antara Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dengan Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat berhubung isu muzakarah, Harun berkata, apa sahaja yang boleh membawa kebaikan kepada umat Islam, beliau akan sokong.

“Saya serah kepada keputusan kepimpinan parti (Pas) sama ada muzakarah diteruskan atau sebaliknya, saya sokong apa saja keputusan parti," ujarnya.


“Saya tak setuju dan bantah kalau orang bukan Melayu atau bukan Islam menjadi Perdana Menteri, malah Pas sendiri, sebagai sebuah parti Islam hanya mahukan orang Islam yang jadi pemimpin (Perdana Menteri).

“Biarlah dia (Karpal Singh) dengan impiannya (mahu orang bukan Melayu jadi Perdana Menteri). Saya bukan menentangnya (Karpal) tapi saya tidak bersetuju dengan Perlembagaan yang ada.

Nampak gayanya Harun Taib main politik agar tidak nampak konon dia membantah Karpal walhal kenyataan akhbar dia jelas tunjuk dia menentang dan tidak bersetuju dengan Karpal. Nampak sangat nak bercakap benar orang agama dalam PAS pun takut-takut.

Sepatutnya ulama kena berani bercakap benar walaupun manusia tidak suka asalkan menyukakan Allah (inilah sifat ulama haq dan bukan ulama  politik yang cakap kluk klek), belum lagi nak berkata perkara yang benar-benar haq iaitu ajak Karpal masuk islam, sepatutnya Harun bukan sahaja berani berkata benar bahawa PM Malaysia mesti yang beragama islam, bahkan Harun  sepatutnya berani ajak Karpal mengaku 'Tiada tuhan selain Allah dan Muhammad pesuruh Allah" seperti Allah dan Rasul suruh umat islam lakukan.

Thursday, 24 May 2012


As a Muslim, we should use the way of our Prophet Muhammad saw in choosing our leaders and not the way of democracy, a system that is developed by the non-Muslims. Using the system of democracy in selecting our leaders will lead us to a disaster and calamities. Instead of blessing, we will get calamities if we use the system of democracy in choosing our lawmakers. The way to choose our leader is the same as the way we choose a person to become the imam of a congregational prayer.

The best among us is the one who has the most fear in Allah and the best among us should become our leader.  A person who has the most fear in Allah is the one who has the strong believe in the unseen, who perform prayers like our Prophet Muhammad saw did, who invite peoples to good and forbidding peoples from evil like Prophet Muhammad saw did and who gives some out of the bounties that Allah has given to him to the needy.

We can choose the imam of a congregational prayer only from among those who regularly perform prayers congregationally. The best among them must be made imam and the suggestions as who is the best among them must come only from those who regularly perform congregational prayers in the Masjid. The choice of who should become imam does not depend on the majority of peoples who like him to become imam but depend on the most qualities love by Allah posses by him as an imam.

In order to choose an iman in a Masjid we do not need a general election in which everyone, men, women and LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people) in the locality to vote. If we run a general election couples with BERSIH to select the imam of our Masjid, we may end up having an imam who is a women, LGBT or a man who hardly pray in the Masjid.

Similarly, in choosing our leaders, we must not use the system of democracy or otherwise we may end up having a LGBT like Anwar as our Prime Minister or even worse a, non-Muslims like Lim Kit Siang as our Prime Minister.

Sumber KLIK


Patutla asyik gaduh je kita semua umat islam dalam bab pilih pemimpin, habis pecah belah umat islam bukan sahaja kat negara kita bahkan seluruh pelosok dunia gara-gara mengamalkan sistem orang kapir neh.


Good luck Datuk....


KUALA LUMPUR 23 Mei - Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh menegaskan, selagi hidup, beliau akan terus berjuang untuk memastikan seorang bukan Melayu menyandang jawatan Perdana Menteri.

Menurutnya, meskipun ketika ini pakatan pembangkang bersetuju bahawa Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim adalah calon paling layak memegang jawatan nombor satu negara, namun beliau secara peribadi menganggap tidak ada undang-undang yang boleh menghalang jawatan itu disandang oleh calon bukan Melayu.

"Selagi saya hidup, saya akan berjuang untuk melihat seorang bukan Melayu menjadi Perdana Menteri,'' katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Mengulas kenyataannya dalam beberapa laporan akhbar berbahasa Inggeris sebelum ini tentang beliau menamakan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng sebagai bakal Perdana Menteri, Karpal mengakui tersilap menyebutnya tetapi tetap 
menegaskan calon bukan Melayu akan menyandang jawatan tersebut suatu hari nanti.

"Saya akui tersasul menyebut menamakan Lim Guan Eng sebagai Perdana Menteri tetapi buat masa ini, kita (pakatan pembangkang) sepakat untuk pilih Anwar jika menang pilihan raya nanti," jelasnya.

Menurut Karpal, tidak termaktub dalam Perlembagaan negara yang menyebut hanya orang Melayu dibenarkan menjadi Perdana Menteri.

"Saya tidak pasti sama ada hasrat untuk melihat bukan Melayu menjadi Perdana Menteri termakbul dalam era saya, namun saya tetap akan memperjuangkan impian ini," tegas beliau. 

Sementara itu, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) DAP Kota Alam Shah, M. Manoharan turut senada dengan Karpal yang mahu melihat bukan Melayu memegang jawatan Perdana Menteri.

Kata beliau, tidak ada salahnya mana-mana kaum di negara ini menyandang jawatan tersebut.