Thursday 24 May 2012


As a Muslim, we should use the way of our Prophet Muhammad saw in choosing our leaders and not the way of democracy, a system that is developed by the non-Muslims. Using the system of democracy in selecting our leaders will lead us to a disaster and calamities. Instead of blessing, we will get calamities if we use the system of democracy in choosing our lawmakers. The way to choose our leader is the same as the way we choose a person to become the imam of a congregational prayer.

The best among us is the one who has the most fear in Allah and the best among us should become our leader.  A person who has the most fear in Allah is the one who has the strong believe in the unseen, who perform prayers like our Prophet Muhammad saw did, who invite peoples to good and forbidding peoples from evil like Prophet Muhammad saw did and who gives some out of the bounties that Allah has given to him to the needy.

We can choose the imam of a congregational prayer only from among those who regularly perform prayers congregationally. The best among them must be made imam and the suggestions as who is the best among them must come only from those who regularly perform congregational prayers in the Masjid. The choice of who should become imam does not depend on the majority of peoples who like him to become imam but depend on the most qualities love by Allah posses by him as an imam.

In order to choose an iman in a Masjid we do not need a general election in which everyone, men, women and LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people) in the locality to vote. If we run a general election couples with BERSIH to select the imam of our Masjid, we may end up having an imam who is a women, LGBT or a man who hardly pray in the Masjid.

Similarly, in choosing our leaders, we must not use the system of democracy or otherwise we may end up having a LGBT like Anwar as our Prime Minister or even worse a, non-Muslims like Lim Kit Siang as our Prime Minister.

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Patutla asyik gaduh je kita semua umat islam dalam bab pilih pemimpin, habis pecah belah umat islam bukan sahaja kat negara kita bahkan seluruh pelosok dunia gara-gara mengamalkan sistem orang kapir neh.


  1. setuju kerana yang mencipta sistem demokrasi adalah plato dan kuncu2nya dari Greek yang tak percaya pada tuhan.Sedangkan Islam adalah adin.

  2. Masa tak lama lagi dah..sistem demokrasi bakal berkubur dan diganti dengan pemilihan ketua cara islam kerana dunia sudah dihujung usia dah. Sebelum Tuhan kiamatkan dunia, islam kembali gemilang dengan ketua manusia daripada orang islam dan diakhiri dengan manusia berpangkat nabi yang Tuhan terima doanya menjadi umat kepada Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad SAW iaitu Nabi Isa AS. Semua akan bermula bila ada sebuah negara islam mulakan pemilihan ketua dengan cara islam dan tinggalkan cara sistem orang kafir. Kita sama-sama tunggu dan lihat.
